當然是包括阿拉伯這樣的國土,能滿足大多數人的願望的旅程,當中包括小朋友們最喜歡的最新開幕位於阿布札比的主題樂園IMG World 及 Formula 1; 大小朋友們都喜歡的沙漠體驗如乘坐越野四驅車奔馳沙丘等。
神秘堡壘 – 體驗古樸神秘中東尼茲瓦和隱世仙境綠山。參觀阿曼高原的最古老的堡壘之一阿曼尼茲瓦古堡 (Nizwa Fort) ,宏偉的阿曼奈赫勒堡壘 (Nakhal Fort) , 體驗傳統阿拉伯市場Nizwa Souq 和探索阿曼最高的山 - 太陽山 (Jabal Shams)。
品味阿拉伯村莊 - Bilad Sayt 是遠離人煙的美麗山村,用慢步方式品味阿拉伯居民生活,欣賞散佈在岩石斜坡上的傳統房屋。 之後更可到附近的Snake Canyon 峽谷進行刺激體驗。
現在預訂9日7晚品味聖誕神秘阿曼之旅,可享直航商務優惠約港幣56,980起。包括入住3晚秘灣Six Senses Zighy Bay及、4晚沙漠Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar、指定私人包團(2天),絕對是大小朋友們聖誕之選!
We got asked frequently for where to go in Christmas.
If you are looking for a holiday fulfilling most people's wishes, why not consider visiting Arabic countries which have so much to offer for adult and children including the latest theme parks e.g. IMG world, Formula 1, The Lourve and private sand dune experiences etc.
Majestic fortresses, wonders of canyons, traditional Arab villages ... Not like luxurious & modern Dubai, Oman keeps the original beauty of Arab world in many areas. Let’s plan yourself a unique Christmas journey to Oman with Luxe Travel that we proudly presents!
Mysterious Fort - Discover mysterious historical Nizwa and magical "Green Mountain". Visits one of Oman's oldest fortresses, The Nizwa Fort, visit the magnificent Nakhal Fort afterward, experience the traditional Arabian market, The Nizwa Souq and explore Jabal Shams, the highest mountain in Oman.
Arab Villages - Bilad Sayt is one of Oman’s most quaint villages with an old world appeal. Explore this tranquil village on foot with traditional houses laid out against the rocky slopes. Visit wonderful Snake Canyon which is located near Balad Sayt.
Save this to your bucket list and call for more information. Don't forget if you book now for your Luxe Oman Journey (9 Days 7 Nights), you may enjoy a fabulous business class offer with direct flight at around HKD56,980up, with 3 night stay at luxurious Six Senses Zighy Bay, 4 night stay at Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar, and 2-day Luxe Private Tour in selected area .
Yours faithfully,

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